Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I remember coming home from school in the afternoon and watching tv, getting so excited and counting down the minutes until it was time to go get dressed up. We would always have a really early dinner (usually at least partly dressed in our costumes) and then go out immediately afterwards.
After tromping our way through the neighbourhood, we would return home and put on heavy winter coats (the ones we wouldn't wear while trick or treating because they covered up our costumes) and then go outside again. All of the neighbourhood kids would come to our end of the cul-de-sac and wait while my Da and Mr. Brock would bring out the wheelbarrow into the middle of the street. It would be filled with dirt and he would start sticking in the fireworks, one at a time and lighting them off. All us kids, with our faces still painted from the night, would get sparklers and run around with them, drawing pictures in the sky and bouncing around to keep warm. Da would always try to have something really spectacular for the fine firework, and I remember when it wouldn't go off as planned, how disappointed he was, but we didn't care. We each had our sparklers to play with, and we each thought our costumes were better than anyone elses. Then we'd go inside to pour over the loot, get a decent sugar high, and go to bed, because there was always school the next day.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Here's To The Ladies
(that's right, I blame you! hahaha!)
My original pirate matey...And who Wood When A Race in Quibic!

Who is the only person I can imagine spending Christmas Day with at the lake burning photos in the snow.
Who was always completely honest and forthcoming with her opinions without sacrificing compassion.

Who danced with me behind the bar and helped me screw with guys heads. Who laughed insanely when everything fell appart in August of 2005.
Who showed me it is possible to grow a second feeling,
and Who promised to run away with me to join the Lesbian Circus.

Who inspired me to work harder at school, and who was a support just by making me feel like I wasn't the only one feeling homesick and lovelorn.

Who, even though she may be having the worst day in history still smiles.
Who helped get my ass in gear to start going to the gym...but who comes over to talk all night and eat cheesecake and drink tea.

Who taught me to be tough and take no crap, and who I could always count on to listen and do something completely ridiculous and make me laugh until it hurts.
Who was there with a hug whether I asked for one or not, and who I shared more episodes of Friends, Cheesecakes, scrapbooking sessions, and Emotional Crisis than I could even begin to count.
To Maureen (my mo-mo)
Who has known me for over 12 years and who I have shared more life experiences with than anyone. Who, no matter what trials our friendship goes through, will always forgive and be forgiven. Who has been there through all of my mistakes and triumphs and who is never embarassed by me...and who I can always count on to buy snail and turkey finger puppets even though we're 24 years old and in public!
Who, God help us, understands me like no one else, and bestowed her morals and ethics upon me, and her ability to make up silly hums and silly dances.
And who, by the grace of God, still loves me after all I've put her through.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Windy - Greg MacPherson

A voice said, hidden on the wind, said "get out again, get out while you can",
and you're gone away for a while.
A voice said, hidden on the wind, said "get out again, get out while you can",
and you're gone away for a while.
Something different is your beacon, and the border is your goal,
and where you go from there, man, I don't know.
Goin where it isn't cold and it doesn't snow
like it is in winter in the background here.
For eight months out of the year the wind blows in your face,
like it's blowin at your back now,
blowin at your back now.
Goin where it isn't cold and it doesn't snow
like it is in winter in the background here.
For the best part of the year the wind blows in your face,
like it's blowin at your back now.
And there's something in your life, and a hole is what it is,
and this knowing what it is is what's driving you,
driving you away, driving you away.
All you warm-blooded people in this northern city,
warm-blooded people in this northern city,
wish the winter'd go, but don't listen to the wind sing
"Follow me, Follow me away!
Follow me away!"
don't know what to do about today..

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Happily Ever After?
I'm not going to lie, I'm more than a little drunk right now. A small part of me feels a twinge of concern at having reached this state alone, but mostly I feel that every now and again a little (or a lot of) wine and a night to oneself is not a sin, but a therapy. And while I find myself soothed and relaxed (and how could I feel anything but?) I also find myself in a state of loneliness.
I want to go to Venice. I want to see this romantic place...somewhere I never actually thought I would go. For a very long time it's seemed something like Neverland...a wonderful place that really seems to only be a fantasy...but it is, in fact, real, and so, why can't I go? Exactly. No reason at all (asides from the lack of money, but that's not going to be the case forever, right?). So, here it is: I want to go to Venice. Maybe on a honeymoon? How terribly romantic!
But for now, the only place I will be going is to bed, for fear of utterly embarassing myself when I read this tomorrow.
Emergency Preparedness

Ok Blizzard, I'm ready for ya!
Blizzard of '06

She said one of her friends was driving from Vanderhoof last night and it took her 6 hours (the whole drive shouldn't take more than 5 from Smithers to PG), and there were semi's jackknifed and cars in the ditch. And power is out from Morricetown to somewhere around Fraser Lake, though I guess only parts of Smithers are affected. (the picture is care of my friend...that's her daughter in the snowbank)
Halloween party...for many a night they won't remember

G-Lo was "Pink Floyd" and ended up wearing a weird hat (I stole Pope's)

It was a good evening...I didn't drink...but it was a good time nonetheless.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
8 months later...
That's right. I shipped my four boxes via Greyhound from Saskatoon and when they got here they looked like someone had played California kickball with them. I thus began the process of filing a claim with Greyhound. Sure I wasn't exactly prompt with anything, but they certainly made me jump through hoops for everything. Now I just have to sign their little contract thing that basically says "we give in, we'll send you some cash if you please stop bothering us" and then fax it off and in, what, 6-8 weeks I'll receive a nice little cheque for 100 bucks. I'm just glad to finally have been able to stick it to the man
Greetings from the Titanic
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
"where life makes sense"...or so they say
a moment
I'll Miss You...

suckage not quite at an all time low...pretty close, but not quite all time.
Had a good chat with G-Lo today...even if it was me talking while he typed his side on Wordpad. It sort of reminded me of how I chat on MSN...sometimes I find myself actually saying what I want to type. I know, lunacy. Oh well. But everyone needs to stop teasing him about not talking. The one thing I have to say about radio people, is they don't know when to bloody stop. The mentality seems to be "if it's funny once, it'll be funny a billion more times and several days from now". It's not. Time to let go.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
It's a step...again...we'll see...undecided...
I don't know what I would do...

He even said if I told him I wanted to move to Swift Current right now, he would fly up next week, get a truck and move me down.
My Nervous Breakdown.
But I did, and once I started, it didn't stop. Complete cryface. I hate cryface. And I felt awful because here I am crying in the studio with Heather and Docc. Heather has her own stuff to deal with, and Docc, well, I feel bad losing grip in front of him...he's a guy...it's just not done. I just don't let myself drop my basket infront of guys who aren't my boyfriend.
So Heather grabbed my stuff for me and I snuck out the back. I didn't want to have to explain to anyone why I had cryface.
But I'll try to explain it here.
First of all, the newsroom is horrendously understaffed. There is NO reason we should be running a newsroom of this size with 3.5 employees. There is Bill who does the morning run, myself for the afternoon, Wil who is incharge of the weekends and has Wednesday and Thursday off, and Michelle who works from 5:30-9:30 doing the network casts. For a station that is responsible for getting news to four cities....it's just completely unreasonable.
The reason we are down to 3.5 people is because EC quit. That's fine, I don't blame her in the least (really, I REALLY don't...I'm AM however damn jealous). She gave her notice two weeks ago and it took them two weeks to even post the job. That's just flat out ridiculous.
Next, the server crashed completely. Estimated time of normalcy is still Thursday.
Next, we can't do anything with audio, so there's no tape to run with stories...except when we download it from BN (read my last post for how well that works)
Next, the network still needs at least some semblance of news and the internet keeps crapping out on us.
Then, to put the icing on the cake...my mic died just as I was trying to do the 3 o'clock cast. The intro is playing and I'm talking, but nothing is happening. I leapt out of the studio and ran to the Wolf control room where Al is looking at me with a "what the hell's going on?" look. I jump into the studio and tell him my mic is fucked. So he asks me if I can read it from the second mic in the studio. I run back to the newsbooth, grab my cast and run back to the control room and then give one of the most out-of-breath casts of my life.
The thing about it all is none of these things are something I can't handle...but all balled together it's too much...especially when there's really not much of a light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, let's think realistically for a moment. The server will be back to normal on Thursday and we'll be able to be up and running again. Everything is still gone and there's no way to retrieve it. As of Monday we're down to a newsroom of 3 because Michelle quit. Even when we get a news director and regional news director, it will still take a while before things are running smoothly with that person...and then as of March we no longer have BN (a MAJOR source of news for us), and things will be bumpy yet again.
No light.
Monday, October 23, 2006
definately not good
When I came in this morning I looked at Bill and said "how bad is it?" and he said "well, it's definately not good".
That pretty much sums it up. Definately not good.
I just need to be more like this little guy...talk about innovative!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
When You Were Young

These pictures were taken of me and Maureen when we went to Vancouver for the Matchbox 20 concert in April of 2001. Over five years ago...I was 18 at the time.
What a time...I was living in my first apartment with Vicky and (to the chagrin of my parents) dating Chris. I thought I was all grown up and so worldly, but then that seems to be the general belief of 18 year olds the world over. Only a year later Maureen and I went to the UK for three weeks.
What a strange twilight zone feeling to look back and think about how long ago that was...and how much has changed and how much I've grown up...now I know I'm more grown up because I actually admit how little I know instead of feeling like I've got it all figured out.
coffee please
These days though, it doesn't bother me all that much. I made my efforts to smooth things over several times, and well, no takers. Besides, it's been almost 5 years. That being said, I need a lot of coffee this morning.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
A Tale of Two Weekends
The first contender: Rodeo Saturday October 14th

Carol, Gail, Kyle, Me
Docc and Me
Pope singing with Ken McCoy
Okay, now, the comparison begins
The next contender: EC and Michelle's Goodbye Party at Bill's
EC, Me and Cheesecake
Jessica, Me, EC, Michelle, Leah, EA (with fun light up straws!)
The Newsroom past and present: Bill, Me (with LP), EC, Wil, Michelle, EA
The conclusion: Last night was a fun night of drinks, and I've come to the conclusion it's way more fun to be drinking when getting obliterated isn't the goal of the evening. Cheers!