Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Jessica Visits the Capital City of Saskatchewan!

Monday, March 26, 2007
What's wrong with this picture?

Friday, March 23, 2007
Finally...some much deserved recognition!

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Soooooo Cute!

Possibly the cutest moment (though there were hundreds, was when Ashley's boyfriend Thom was spinning a wooden top on the coffee table and Leighton was totally enthralled. He stared at the top in utter amazement, then looked at Thom, and back at the top and said in an awed voice "wow..." I think I actually melted just a little inside!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Congratulations are In Order

An Update on Stuff

Yup, it's been a good week...Except for one thing...
It's budget week. Honestly, the theme this week is BUDGET. Monday the federal budget was announced...then Monday night City Council released their budget. Now, tomorrow is the Provincial Budget. If after Friday morning I hear the word "budget" once more, someone will be injured.
That is all.
(oh wait, no it's not, Pope got the "letter" I mailed him...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)
'a rose by any other word..."

Since moving to Swift Current, I have been asked twice if "Jessica Williams" is my real name. I always nod and say "yes...why? does it sound made up?" Really, does it? I was once told that my name is an excellent radio name, and I just shrugged and thanked the person. I don't see it, but then maybe I'm too close to my name to really see it as what it is (or could be?).
These comments did, however, get me thinking: what if I had been named something else? My mum has told me she had considered naming me Zipporah, or Demelza, or Tegan. Furthermore, why my great great grandparents came to Canada from the Ukraine, they changed their name to Williams to sound "less ethnic". Originally the name was Waselenchuk. If the name change had never happened, and Mum was feeling more daring, I could have been Demelza Waselenchuk, or Zipporah Waselenchuk. I can't imagine going into radio with either of those as my name. Would I have even been the same person? Maybe I would have gone into radio and changed my name to something else...maybe I would have changed it to Jessica Williams.
Anyway, that's my ponderism for the day.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
whoops, my bad, I wrote "my new camera" but what I meant was "my new phone"...yeah...it's one of those days...
Just a picture
Just wanted to post a cutesy picture of me and Brad. I took it on Saturday with my new camera. That is all.

No more winter PLEASE!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007
I'm one of THEM!!!!
On Saturday, Brad and I went to the store to switch my cell phone only to discover we couldn't. Sasktel was no longer accepting phones from other carriers, including Bell. The long and short of it was that, to avoid getting pegged with a hefty cancellation bill from Bell, I had to sign up for Sasktel and purchase a new phone. (It's a shame, and we were both pretty choked because Brad had just bought me my phone in July for my birthday and it is no utterly useless in the province of Saskatchewan). We had decided to go on one of those shared plans, so Brad decided to get a new phone too. We signed up on a contract and he bought a RAZR. I had always really liked the RAZR, but I found myself faced with a choice: buy a grey one and risk being constantly confused as to whose was whose, buy the pink one and be utterly disgusted with myself everytime I looked at it (sorry to those with pink RAZR's...they're just...well...they're...uh...nevermind), OR, I could get the Sanyo version of the RAZR, or the Samsung version.
The Sanyo's was the cheapest, and I really liked that it's in white, so I decided to go with that one. Upon purchasing said phone, I had a sudden realization: my new sunglasses that Mum bought me after accidentally stepping on my other ones (which was ultimately my fault for not picking them up right away after I dropped them) have white frames. I have, inadvertently, become one of those people who's accessories match. Now whenver I use my phone while I have my glasses on, I feel like I should be snooty. I just can't help it.

More Pics
Now some pics from the Big Move!
We didn't take many pictures from the drive because there wasn't a lot of point, but just outside of Jasper we came to this particular stretch of highway where there are always sheep (or goats, I really don't know which they are). That day there were dozens by the side of the road, so I pulled over with the other cars and Brad and I got out and snapped shots of the sheep/goats.

Can someone please tell me why these people think it's a good idea to be that close to a wild animal with horns? True, they aren't easily spooked, but they're still wild and unpredictable. Brad and I just shook our heads as we drove off.



So there you go! That's my life in a nutshell! There will be more pics of the apartment when I get things really nice and settled, but for the time being things are a little disorganized, so the pics will have to wait.
The Going Away Party
Here we are: Long Awaited Pictures from my Going Away Shindig at the Riverstone! Do you dig?

Best going away present EVER!!!

I honestly can't remember what we were going for in this picture...but I totally love it!

I Don't really know what I'm doing here...
Progressively Drunker

Jessica hearts Beer!...(but Heather is totally the best part of this shot!)


And the Greatest Photo of the night!
These are just a few of the pictures...There are tons more that are equally wonderful, and a lot of people aren't shown here, but I want to thank everyone who came out to party with me! I had a phenomenal night (and passed out immediately when we got back to the hotel room)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Seriously People, it's March!

Monday, March 05, 2007
Back to Blogging...(hopefully anyway)
I would apologize for the lack of blogging as of late, but, well, seriously, it's just been go-go-go-go for the past couple weeks (month actually, but you get the picture).
So let's see...I do have internet capabilities at home, but no desk, making it a little difficult to use the computer at this time, thus restricting my internet use to work time.
Work is going well, I really like the people I here and everyone has been nothing but welcoming and encouraging to me.
My shipment *FINALLY* arrived on Friday afternoon and I'm receiving a $200 cheque from United Vanlines to compensate for the week long delay. I'm still really choked, but it does soften the blow a little and make the move a little bit more reasonable.
Saturday Brad and I spent the day unpacking and setting up the apartment a little more so that when Vince and Shay, and Nick and Kim came over for UFC it would resemble a home. They came over at 6 which was when I had my first beer. Apparently I was a little hungrier than I thought because it went straight to my head and I got all tipsy...the second and third didn't really help that situation...ha! But then I had some supper and dessert and felt sober again. It was a good night except that it went past 11 and I'm lame and was ready to pass out, which I did when I went to bed.
Sunday morning though, we got up bright and early (for a Sunday, that is) at 8:40 to get ready to go to Lac Pelletier with Vince & Shay and Nick & Kim to do some ice fishing. I'd never gone before, so it was quite the experience. I only fished long enough to catch one little bugger and I stopped after that because I always feel sorry for the poor little bastards once they get caught and try to swim away but can't really manage it. But, (girls be proud) I baited the hook myself by actually touching maggots. GROSS...but I did it, and I didn't say a peep about how disgusting it was. Go me!
Brad also took me out on his (blasted) snowmobile....and he let me go out on my own. I hate to admit this, but it was fun. That's all I'm going to say, and you better believe I'm only grudgingly admitting that.
It was a good weekend, but not the nice relaxing-do-nothing-weekend I was hoping for. Luckily, Brad pinky-swore that next weekend will be do-nothing-weekend. Very much looking forward to that, AND to getting back into the routine of talking to my friends who I have lost touch with recently due to lack of internet/time.
Oh, and I guess the most important part of everything is that I'm really really happy here. Swift Current really feels like home, and I'm so happy to be with Brad again. Life is good. (dare I say "Life Makes Sense"?....ha! No, I won't touch that one)
So let's see...I do have internet capabilities at home, but no desk, making it a little difficult to use the computer at this time, thus restricting my internet use to work time.
Work is going well, I really like the people I here and everyone has been nothing but welcoming and encouraging to me.
My shipment *FINALLY* arrived on Friday afternoon and I'm receiving a $200 cheque from United Vanlines to compensate for the week long delay. I'm still really choked, but it does soften the blow a little and make the move a little bit more reasonable.

It was a good weekend, but not the nice relaxing-do-nothing-weekend I was hoping for. Luckily, Brad pinky-swore that next weekend will be do-nothing-weekend. Very much looking forward to that, AND to getting back into the routine of talking to my friends who I have lost touch with recently due to lack of internet/time.
Oh, and I guess the most important part of everything is that I'm really really happy here. Swift Current really feels like home, and I'm so happy to be with Brad again. Life is good. (dare I say "Life Makes Sense"?....ha! No, I won't touch that one)
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