Friday, April 27, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Mall Chronicles...

Saturday Brad and I went to Saskatoon to find a dress for me to wear to his Dad's wedding at the end of May and for a suit for him to wear.
At the Midtown Plaza, we went into a store called Siren's which mostly had twinky-skanky-diva clothes, but there were a couple of more conservative potentially cute dresses, which I picked up and went to the changerooms with. I stood at the changerooms for at least 2 minutes before getting fed up and seeking out one of the dipstick twinky employees. I asked her if I could have a changeroom and she looked at me and said "I guess...if there's one open." I felt like tripping her and dumping a table of sweaters on her bleach blond head, but refrained and followed her to the changeroom instead. When we got there, there was another girl waiting, and when the Twinky-extraordinaire opened up a changeroom, she just unlocked it and walked away. No "here you go", no "this one is free for you"...nothing. So, obviously the other lady who had come to the rooms while I was off getting "help" (a term I use loosely in this circumstance) and thought she was next. So she went in, and I dumped my clothes onto the nearest rack and made a beeline out of the store saying something to the extend of "that's crap" loud enough for people to hear.
At the next store, Bryan's, I went in, picked up a dress, and was immediately approached by a sales lady who asked if she could start a changeroom for me. I nearly cried in gratitude. And it was that dress that fit perfectly. I put it on hold and braved the rest of the mall for an hour searching other stores for that just-in-case find. But I ended up going back to Bryan's and bought the dress.
I don't know what it was, but Saskatoon was full of assholes that day, so we were really relieved to see Saskatoon fading away behind us as we high-tailed it out!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Kinda makes you want to go to court, doesn't It? Ok, maybe not, but still...

Designed Just for Radio People?

I'm talking about the Burger King Joe coffee. It comes in two strengths: Regular, and Turbo. BK was handing out free samples today as a promotion and so, obviously, the newsroom packed into the cruiser and headed down to score ourselves some Joe. Feeling daring, we ordered Turbo, which claims to have 4 times the caffeine as the regular. How, you ask? Well, apparently they don't have coffee grounds, but instead use a syrup, so the turbo is just a more concentrated, less diluted variety. Seriously. It's quite a bit stronger than I've grown used to, and so took me roughly 30 minutes to finish...then the buzz hit. I actually can't remember the last time I had a caffeine buzz like that! The full meal deal of side effects: jitters, increased heart rate, antsy, name it! And I just had a small! So, to radio folk everywhere, if you didn't behave last night and are trying to get through a shift when really you'd rather just curl up and die, grab a Turbo Joe from might burn a hole through your stomach lining, but you'll be awake!
(Post Scriptum: the buzz has worn off...4 hours later, and with only a slight crash...I'm still functioning...which is good)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Too Much Time On My Hands

Monday, April 09, 2007
The Game has been Upped!

Saturday, April 07, 2007
First successful haircut in 6 years or so

Friday, April 06, 2007
Long Lost Friends
Today, kicking off the long weekend, I went for a drive to visit a friend.
Lauren and I met in middle school in a babysitting course in grade 7 and totally hit it off. The strange thing about it is that we haven't really talked since graduation...7 years ago. We didn't deliberately not speak, but what with going to different schools and taking different directions in our lives, we just sort of lost touch. Then one day I was looking on myspace and saw that she was living in Saskatchewan. I wrote and asked where and it turned out she's living in a small town only an hour and a half away from Swift Current. So I hopped in the car this morning and went to see her. It was so great to catch up and I was very surprised to find that NOTHING had changed between us and we started talking freely and easily right off the bat...and for the next 3.5 hours! I have no doubt we could have kept talking, but, sadly, I had to get back to Swift.
Lauren and I met in middle school in a babysitting course in grade 7 and totally hit it off. The strange thing about it is that we haven't really talked since graduation...7 years ago. We didn't deliberately not speak, but what with going to different schools and taking different directions in our lives, we just sort of lost touch. Then one day I was looking on myspace and saw that she was living in Saskatchewan. I wrote and asked where and it turned out she's living in a small town only an hour and a half away from Swift Current. So I hopped in the car this morning and went to see her. It was so great to catch up and I was very surprised to find that NOTHING had changed between us and we started talking freely and easily right off the bat...and for the next 3.5 hours! I have no doubt we could have kept talking, but, sadly, I had to get back to Swift.

Me and Lauren

I saw this view on the drive home...and actually had to backtrack about 5 minutes later when I found another turn off to go back east on the #1 just to take a picture.

I can't see a road like this and resist the urge to just GO! It's the most incredibly free feeling!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Past and Present Reflections

2006 - Card The Lovers VI
"Desire, new lover, relationships, physical attraction, love, sex, commitment.
The Lovers can symbolize that a new love is going to enter your life even if you can't see where from - you're in for a surprise. This is a card that symbolizes an importance choice that could affect the rest of your life. The Lovers symbolizes a choice between duty versus your heart's desire, take a risk and it could lead to greater happiness and emotional fulfillment, stay dutiful and life will remain the same"
VERY interesting, it was in 06 that I moved to PG, making a choice which probably saved my relationship with Brad (since I was miserable in Rosetown), and definately made it stronger.
2007 - Card The Chariot VII
"Triumph, movement, change, self-belief, assertiveness, good news
The Chariot symbolizes conflicts ending in victory, so advises sustained efforts if in a current struggle or facing one, as you will win in the end. This card also heralds unexpected good news and represents self reliance and belief in your own abilities. Travel and change is indicated by The Chariot as well as representing a vehicle - if in a favourable position it could mean you'll get that car you've been wanting!"
I'm gonna say bang on with this one so far...especially the change and struggle and travel.
Anyway, there we are. Interesting to look back a little. If you're interested, the web page I got the write ups from is seems to be a pretty comprehensive page.
Also interesting is that the rules that I followed don't seem to make a lot of sense since there are 22 cards in the Major Arcana in Tarot...including the Fool which is card 0, up the the World at #22. guess it's a good thing that this is just for a bit of fun rather than anything deep and meaningful.
Home Sweet Apartment
Well, here we are. The time has finally arrived for apartment pictures! Or, the apartment minus the bedroom because it's not tidy enough for pictures...hee hee.
The Living Room and Dining Room at the back
The Living Room from the other angle (with computer desk in the corner)
Kitchen...pretty small, but it's got a full stove which is amazing! And the appliances are practically brand new
The Kitchen looking through the little serving hole in the dining room (notice my lovely mixer? haha) Through those closet doors is our in suite washer and dryer (YAY!!!!) and through the second set of doors is the storage closet with our deep freeze.
And the Bathroom...not sure why you'd want to see it, but there it is anyway.
So there you have it, our humble abode, it's small, but really feels like home.
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