Yesterday was the first day of a slow pitch tournament at Lac Pelletier, which most of my friends were registered in. So Brad and I got up at 6:45 (!) yesterday morning, got dress, loaded up the cooler with 30 bottles of water and drove out to the lake. I promptly laid out my towel, popped in some headphones (currently
loving Hayley Sales 'Sunseed' album) while everyone else promptly cracked open the first beers of the day, and started their game. Due to a team dropping out and the reorganization of the schedule, the team (whose name is a little obscene and I won't write it here) only got to play two games yesterday. One at 9am, the second at 7pm. They played really well, despite it being int he igh 20s by 10 oclock, and despite the field being littered with gopher holes (and the occassional ex-gopher). They lost the game, but it was really only because of one silly inning where the other team just kept getting runs in. If it hadn't been for that one, it would have been very very close.
After ball, everyone went back to Nick and Kim's campsite and lounged around. I wanted to tan, but it was just too hot to lay in the sun. After lunch Nick, Vince, Brett, Landon, and Kim decided to go in the canoe. It's not a very good canoe, and Brad and Nick alone make it awfully tippy, but nonetheless they hauled it to the water. The following pictures show how successful they were:
Too many people makes a canoe sink
It's not going to go very far under water
Four people makes it pretty low in the water...
and five makes it go over!
This picture is Vince falling out
Vince getting back in

We were really happy when it clouded over and actually (miraculously) started to rain for a bit. Then it was off to the field again to watch their second game. In the interest of having a fun game, our team agreed to get rid of the "homerun rule" which meant if the ball went over the back while line it was an automatic out. The other team apparently plays competitively though (our guys are in the beer leagues) and they took complete advantage of the abolished rule and knocked every single ball clear out of the field. They also sauntered around the bases and were really quite cocky and downright rude about it. I kept hoping one of the guys in particular would get a ball right to the head and get a minor concussion. It just really killed the fun mood of the night. Obviously our team didn't expect to win, but they also didn't expect to be humiliated by the other teams behaviour. Furthermore, we suspect the bats they were using were illegal. I really just wanted to go and tell them they were being shameful and should adjust their attitudes.
After the game, Brad and I came home so I could go to bed and get a few hours sleep before work this morning.

So, that's my weekend. Let's take a tally, shall we? Days slept in this weekend: 0
Days spent at work: 1
Hours spent outdoors at the lake: 15
Hours spent being irritated with the poor sportsmanship of the other team last night: 5 and counting
Hours spent cheering loudly (and a little obnoxiously) for the team who was playing the poor sportsmen this afternoon: 2.5
Yesterday's high: 32.5 degrees in Swift (pretty sure it was hotter at Pelletier though)
Bottles of water consumed: around 12? More?, I think
Number of headaches from too much sun/heat: 1 (lasted around 4 hours)
Number of shades darker my tan has gotten on my legs: .25
Number of shades darker my tan has gotten everywhere else: 3
Hours spent laughing at Nick, Vince, Landon, and Brett and their ridiculous canoe adventure: oh, thousands!