Brad took off for a bachellor party this weekend, so it was Jessica-flying-solo, and let me tell you, I wasted no time! Friday night I bought some wine, pasta, a small wheel of brie and rented two movies and proceded to do just what I used to do in Prince George on my weekends of "Jess time": get just a little drunk by myself! Ha! I watched movies that Brad would have no interest in seeing: "Because I Said So", and "Miss Potter". I'm not going to recomend either actually. Because I Said So was sort of irritating, and Miss Potter seemed like a cheap rip off of Finding Neverland crossed with Bridget Jones. Sadly Ewen McGreggor couldn't even save the movie as his character was (albeit sweet) kind of a weenie. Sigh. But nonetheless, it was a very good night.
Saturday I sanded and primed the kitchen cupboards and then went and got ready to go and tear it up at the Street Dance. It had been pumped up for me for a while as "the biggest party of the year" and "the most fun you can have with your clothes on", so there were high expectations. Let's just say that when 2/3 of a mickey of vodka are consumed, there's really very little way of being let down!
I started the evening by driving to Switzers and met his friend Shane (visiting for the weekend). The three of us watched Road House and drank. (there was a shortage of mix for my vodka so it was Schmirnoff and Dr. Skipper! HA! actually quite tasty and goes down pretty well) Let's also say that Patrick Swayze half-naked-sweaty-in-sweatpants-with-elasticized-cuffs MADE my night! Hahaha....more fun than I could deal with to be honest. I don't think we even really watched the movie, just drank and laughed. Keen showed up and after the movie we moved on to his place where I met his roomates and the new coach of the Broncos. I was most definately more than a little silly by this time and trying my damnest to have a serious conversation with him. Very difficult and pretty sure I made a terrible arse of myself. But alas.
Then it was off to the Street Dance. And let me say, I think the last time I had this much fun while out partying was when we went to see Kim Mitchell at the Generator (last September I believe)
Here are some of the pictures from Martens... Pretty much every one of them makes me say "oh dear..."

Ryan Switzer, Me, Chris Martensm (the aviators are Ryan's)

No one has ever rocked out as much as Ryan!

I can be thoughtful even after muchos vodka!...Chris on the other hand...

Not really sure what it is I'm doing here...

Also not really sure what I'm doing here...chopping myself in the face?

Chris, Ryan, Me and Shane (scandalous)

Dancing with Laurie-Anne (love Ryan in the background)
Colin, Ryan, Chris, me and Laurie-Anne
The greatest picture of the night...oh dear...what a fantastic night!
Then yesterday I'm afraid I had to do the walk of shame back to Ryan's place to get my car, which had a sleepover. Nothing like walking across down on a Sunday morning feeling ever so slightly sheepish about my state the night before. Luckily it was all in good fun, there were no mishaps, and everyone bahaved. Well done everyone!, does anyone know where I can get a copy of Road House?