Friday, September 28, 2007
The Little Dollar That Could!

Thursday, September 27, 2007
A Quote

How it works:
1. Open your music library
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press Play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press Next
6. Don't lie and try to pretend all your music is cool
Opening Credits: My Parties - Dire Straits
Waking Up: Spoon - Dave Matthews Band
First Day At School: Message in a Bottle - the Police
Falling In Love: Tomorrow - Avril Lavigne
Fight Song: Can't Go Back to Jersey - G.Love
Grad: It's Gonna Be Love - Mandy Moore (why do I have this?!)
Life: Lightning Crashes - Live
Mental Breakdown: Part of My Life - India.Arie
Driving: Violet - Savage Garden
Flashback: Strip My Mind - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Getting Back Together: Talula - Tori Amos
Birth of a Child: Trashin the Camp - Phil Collins
Final Battle: Adding to the Noise - Switchfoot
Funeral Song: Pinball Wizard - The Who
End Credits: Us - INXS
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
"Sometime This Week"

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Fall Weddings

Friday, September 21, 2007
Oh Deer!
When he got home, there were two of them at the bush! Remarkable!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
So Far...

That may be the only saving grace of this day. I'm tired and worn out and feel pulled in multiple directions with lots to do.
It's already been quite a week really. Monday afternoon I packed my bags and went to Shaunavon to see what the station is like there and see how things are done. Gotta love a business trip! For whatever reason, I was utterly exhausted though and fell asleep at about 9. Kind of lame, I know, but what can I say?
Then, in the early AM yesterday morning I got up. I slept in 10 minutes longer than I normally do (which felt deliciously slothful to me), then I got up. I was showered and had dried my hair and picked out my clothes for the day (I always take two when I travel...choices are good), and I had just started straightening my hair when I found myself sitting in the dark. I grabbed my cell phone and used the light from it to fish through my purse for the whistle my mum had given me for christmas last year. The whistle had a nifty little flashlight attached to it, the light from which I used to get dressed by and pack up the rest of my belongings. I had hoped the power outage was maybe a blown circuit, but it infact spanned the whole town. Yup...it was an adventure. I later learned the power-outage spanned 60% of the province (though our house in Swift mysteriously was not effected...?) . The biggest power outage in the past 20 years, according to SaskPower.
The rest of the day went smoothly and I got home shortly after 2, feeling terribly braindead.
Now the day continues and the week is half done. Wish me luck...Yarrr!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Is there a moment?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Warning: Dangerously Sappy Content

Brad and I are creeping ever closer to 3 years together. I'm not one to celebrate the monthly anniversaries (that would be a little much I think, and really really frequent), but it occured to me that yesterday was the 11th, and that means we've been dating for 34 months.
Brad is a wonderful man who treats me fabulously and cares so much for me. I can't imagine how I could have gotten to where I am without him, and I am so grateful for his help, his love, and his friendship.
So after 34 months, each day loving him more than the last and each day thinking there's no possible way to love someone more, I'm once again struck by how wonderful he makes my life...but then, I'm struck by that every single day, so yesterday was no different than the day before and is no different from tomorrow.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Choked About Britney's Comeback

Certainly she's not as thin as she has been, but for once, to me, she looks healthy. And let's not forget she's also had two children. The public and media are so terribly unforgiving of any imperfection in stars, and so why should childbirth and motherhood be viewed any different? But the honest truth is that if someone with Britney's body were walking down the street, she would be ogled and admired for her fantastic figure, and the thought that she had carried two children would be unfathomable.
She stood on stage wearing underwear (ok, I do have a bit of a problem with that too, but that's a whole other blog entry), and there was no wobbling, no unsightly pinching, no rolls, nothing.
It's no wonder young girls, teens, and women have such a warped body image. To be told that someone who is just curvy yet obviously toned is "out of shape" only enforces the opinion that a woman should be androgynous with no defining feminine features (except massive breasts, obviously). No wonder there are so many eating disorders.
Tell me honestly if Britney looks fat, out of shape and disgusting here. Because if she is, well I should apologize to the world for being disgracefully out-of-shape.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Look How the Time Flies!

Roughtly 20 years later...2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007

I guess Summer really started for me in May when Maureen came to visit. We had a great few days and managed to get a couple hours in the sun at Sask Landing. Then Ben and Brenda's wedding followed on May long weekend. After that in June Brad and I went camping at Cypress for his Birthday. July was full of packing and renovating and moving and emotional upheaval, not to mention a birthday in there and Rob and Bev's wedding. August finally came and with it a promotion and new responsibilities. The renovations slowed down to a virtual stop. Brad got great news from the cardiologist and will be off all his meds in a year's time. There was the solo-weekend of watching movies, drinking too much and the street dance (and everything that went along with it). Then the countdown finally became a manageable number and I went to visit Mare and go camping with my family in Merritt. Now it's September and I almost can't believe it.
Great Accomplishments: Reading 7 books in just over 3 months. Moving and Renovating without killing each other. Getting the most out of four days with Mare. Surviving my emotions.
Great Disappointments: No great ones, but it would have been nice to make it to a couple of weddings for great friends. Almost regret changes in friendships, though change is hard to regret as it happens no matter what.