Since it is our Christmas holidays, Brad and I decided to do something fun and have an adventure. So this morning at 7am, joined by Vince, we drove off on the number 1 highway heading west to Cypress Hills and Hidden Valley for some skiing/snowboarding. It was a beautiful day and the snow was pretty good and I caught on again fairly quickly (haven't been on a snowboard in about three years).
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas at Home
Christmas Eve was spent driving around the city in search of the best Christmas lights displays (honorable mentions to the home with the timed lights to music, and to the home with the inflatable Homer Simpson Santa Claus). When we came home we watched A Christmas Carol (the original from 1951 with Alistair Sims). The on Christmas morning we got up, had some coffee and opened our stockings and prezzies and then had pancakes before heading over to Ben and Brenda's.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas V.1
Christmas came early yesterday for us. Brad, Nick, Kim and I went to Darlene's house for turkey lunch/supper and prezzies. I have to say, we all got spoiled! It was a very nice relaxing day and after our late lunch and presents Brad, Kim and I all fell asleep. haha!
~ Me and my monkeys!
~ Monkey on your back?
~ Darlene's birdfeeder attracted the most fearless of feathered friends
~ CAT!
~Look at all the prezzies!
~ Much to Kim's chagrin, Nick plans to hang his gaint fishing lure on the wall
~ Princess loves paper
~ Darlene's Christmas Angel
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree!
Christmas is only 7 days away (Eek! Yay!) and last Friday Brad and I decorated our tree! We bought an artificial tree. There is some pretty vehement debate over the real/artificial tree issue, but we were finally swayed by the simple monetary factor. We could get a live tree for $27, or an artificial tree for $44. After two years we've paid it off, and a third year and we're ahead! It just didn't make sense. Besides that, real trees are a fire hazard and have a nasty habbit of falling over (personal experience and water-damaged presents tell me this). So we bit the bullet and bought a fake tree. It's very nice actually and we're really happy (plus it's coated in fire retardent stuff!).
So here are the pictures!
No Ornaments...poor little bare tree!
No Ornaments...poor little bare tree!
LED Lights, Check! Garland, Check! Bobbles...nearly check!
Almost done!
Pretty Tree!
Our first Christmas Tree!
I think Brad and I successfully got into the Christmas season!
Thursday, December 13, 2007

I also have allergies. They have been acting up lately and making me sneeze, and making my nose run frequently. Today, my nose started to run. So, politely, I excused myself to the washroom where I took some balled up toilet paper and evacuated the contents of my nose partly by blowing and partly by sniffling. I threw the toilet paper in the toilet and flushed. Only then did I notice my nose no longer had a surgical steel post in it. No, it was long gone.
My concern is that I don't know if I blew it out or in fact managed to somehow inhale the thing. I think I probably would have noticed, but stranger things have happened. Furthermore I know I didn't notice the stud in my balled up toilet paper. Wondering what the consequences of ingesting/inhaling steel are?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A long day of Thank You's and Nuts to You's

I left town and put on glorious cruise control. The vehicle would periodically rev a little high while trying to maintain it's speed, but it wasn't revving really high, so I didn't think much of it, just made a mental note to tell someone when I got back to Swift and have it checked out. I managed to almost get to Regina. Almost. The engine started to rev very high (think 6000rpm) and wouldn't switch gears, nor would it go over 80km/hr. The engine light also came on and refused to turn off. I could see the road ahead that you'd turn onto to get to the's desperately close to the city and made it all the more frustrating to be stuck on the side of the road there.
I called roadside assistance who said a tow truck would be there in about 45 minutes. It was 1pm. I needed to be at the Leg by 1:30 according to the invitation. I resigned myself to the fact I would not, in fact, make it there. The tow truck finally showed up about 1hr 30min later. The guy was really friendly and gave me a ride to the dealership in his truck, which was grubby and WAY too warm inside. The dealership was also very nice telling me that I was next in line to be looked at. That took about 30 minutes and then another 1.5 hours by the time the vehicle was finished being looked at. The man at the dealership said it was a problem with the valve bolt on the transmission (?) and that they had done some stuff to the transmission to make it work. He thought I would probably be able to get it home, so I took the gamble. Wrong move. I was just trying to leave town and the engine light came on again and it started revving in the 6000's again and couldn't get over 80km/hr. I turned around and limped it back to the dealership.
Back at the station, Dave was trying to get me a rental car through Enterprise. It was about 4:45 by this time and he was being told there were no cars available but they were hoping to have one by closing for me. I waited in the dealership until my cell phone died (figures) then called Enterprise myself to tell them I would be reached on a different number. They told me they didn't think they would have a car for me. So I decided to go for supper and take the bus home.
Sitting at the dealership, it was 5:20 and I borrowed a phone book to see about a cab to a restaurant. I called Regina Taxi and waited and waited while it rang. Finally a woman answered. I was feeling particuarly exhausted by this time and not terribly enthused about the idea of a bus home, but even less enthused about the idea of staying in Regina for the night. I asked the woman for a taxi at the dealership. It's a big, well known dealership right along the main drag in Regina. She asked me for the address. I told her I'm from out of town and didn't know the address. She insisted she needed it. I told her it's on Albert and she said she needs the street address. I was almost in tears by this point out of the sheer frustration of it all and told her to hang on and I'll find it. Then she told me she can't hold. So I said "fine" and hung up on her. Thankfully, the woman in the dealership told me their shuttle might still be running and sure enough they were able to drive me to Boston Pizza.
The waitress was really really nice. I almost wondered if she could see the exasperation in my eyes and was being nice out of sympathy. Regardless, I was grateful. I had just ordered my food when Enterprise called to tell me they had a car for me. I changed my order to take out and then left.
I got to Enterprise at 6 (closing time). Jon Potter, a wonderful man, chatted with me about Swift and said he had just moved from here and couldn't leave someone from Swift Current stranded. I was on the road shortly after 6 and home by 8:30, completely exhausted.
All that being said, I have to say thank you to Dave for all of the phone calls back and forth trying to find a way to get me home, thank you to the waitress at Boston Pizza for being so kind, and THANK YOU to Jon Potter at Enterprise who "pulled a car out of his ass" to get me home. I would also like to say a big "Nuts to YOU!" to the lady at Regina taxi who was absolutely no help to a stranded out-of-towner.
And let me also say, climbing into bed last night was one of the greatest feelings ever.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Golden West Radio Christmas Party
Friday was the Golden West Radio Saskatchewan Christmas Party. We bused to Moose Jaw to the Spa for our banquet. It was a relaly nice evening...lots of fun and lots of good people and good food!




Dono, Avan, Me, Colin



Wednesday, December 05, 2007
It's ON!
What did I do? I ripped that sucker right out of my head! Just like I will the next time it decides to try and grow on my scalp again! That's right...the battle is ON!

I'll be picking her up in Regina for six fun-hug-cheesecake-enchilada-wine-and-brie-hugs-and-more-hugs days!
Could we be more excited? Nope!
Monday, December 03, 2007

Fast forward to work today. I was given and invitation to the opening of the first session of the 26th government of Saskatchewan next Monday, completely out of the blue.
All morning whenever I thought about my dream I had the strongest feeling that I should be making an effort to go to Regina and sit in on one of the sessions if at all possible. Then it, quite literally, is handed to me.
Not really sure actually...

This weekend was good actually, despite things not working out the way I was looking forward to. Ashley and I were supposed to go to Moose Jaw for a bit of shopping on Saturday and mostly just to get out of town for a few hours. She ended up cancelling though due to a tooth infection. It's been plaguing her for the past week and I felt really bad for her. It also made me feel really guilty for feeling disappointed at the same time. It seems like every time we make plans to do something outside of our regular wednesday night activities the plans get cancelled. Obviously not her fault, but still disappointing.
Instead I went to Caronport to visit my friend Lauren who is in her last year of university there. It was good to see her. Seems silly that we don't see each other very often considering we only live an hour and a half away from each other, but always gets in the way. I stayed too long and had to zip home for a quick supper before going to a motivational speaker.
Ashley was feeling better by the evening and so we went to watch Darci Lang speak about attitude and women's perception of other women. Definitely made me feel motivated and gave me lots to think about.
Afterwards I had hoped to hang out with Ashley a little more as I always enjoy our conversations, but she had plans with other friends. She invited me, but I declined. Two reasons really; I didn't really feel like dealing with several people in a conversations (sometimes I just like having a one-to-one talk and dividing my attention between 4 or 5 people isn't appealing), and the other reason is that I don't really relate to her friends at all. I can't seem to find a common ground.
So I went home and stayed up late talking with Brad.
The ominous feeling that is hovering over me didn't really hit until last night. I can't figure out what it is that's causing the feeling. Maybe just a busy month hanging over my head. I don't know. I wish I could remember or figure out what it is that's causing me issues, but it just won't come to me. So I guess I'll just hope for the best.
One More Picture
Back row (l-r): Nancy, Sherry, Jeff, Ryan, Dave, Deb, Ken, Me
Front Row (l-r): Trent, Robyn, Chance, Colin
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