Last week I had the fantastic opportunity to travel to Halifax for a career fair. The major bonus (aside from seeing the other side of the country again) was that I was able to extend my stay a couple of days and see Maureen and her boyfriend Barry. They were gracious enough to let me stay with them and made sure I had an amazing time and got to see some of the many highlights the city (and Nova Scotia) have to offer.
~Drinking Champagne out of mason jars en route to the restaurant~The night I arrived we went for supper and drinks at a restaurant known for their martinis. It was excellent and a nice cap to a long day of travel. Thursday Maureen took me downtown where we wandered the shops. We had intended to go to the Maritime Museum but never made it. Ha! Too many fun stores to look at before hurrying back to her place to help Barry make perogies for a supper with friends that night. We made a heap of perogies (around 80 I think) and everyone enjoyed the delicious meal.
~The restaurant owned by Mike Smith from the Trailer Park Boys! Love it! ~
~Maureen and I in front of Citadel Hill~
~Making perogies~
~At Barry's Brother's place~
Friday was the career fair which went very very well, and afterwards we went back downtown to look around and visit some more cool shops. The three of us went out for an amazing supper that night at a fantastic Italian restaurant downtown. Saturday Maureen took me for a tour of the Halifax Farmers Market. It was just amazing! The whole thing is held in a series of historical buildings and is jam packed with craftsmen selling their creations, as well as meats, cheeses, baked goods, and veggies. Maureen had promised to take me on the ferry from Halifax across the harbour to Dartmouth. Since we were short on time, we took the 12 minute ride over, got off the ferry, re-boarded, and came right back. It was a neat way to view the city though and reminded me of the Seabus in Vancouver.
~Taking the Ferry to and from Dartmouth~

Saturday night was Halloween and Barry's brother Robbie and his wife Sonia hosted a Murder Mystery Party at their place, 30 minutes outside of Halifax. It was a ton of fun and I loved meeting all of their friends. We spent the night there (long drive, plus a little too much booze) and left after breakfast.
~Dressed up for the Murder Mystery Party~

~The cast of Murder in Margarhitaland~
After showering, Maureen and I went for a drive to Bridgewater to try to find a huge Adirondack chair that was apparently somewhere in the town. We got mildly lost (it wouldn't be a roadtrip adventure for me if we weren't somewhat lost at least once!!), and asked for directions twice. Despite the help from locals, we couldn't find the chair and left the community to visit Peggy's Cove before going home.
Peggy's Cove was incredible! I was struck with how powerful the ocean is. And it was a pretty calm day at that!
~Peggy's Cove~

We left Peggy's Cove after sunset and went back to Halifax where Barry had made supper (yum!) and afterwards we went to a comedy sketch show with a local troupe called picnicface. I certainly laughed my money's worth!
Monday it was a ridiculously early morning and I was on my way by 7:40 Halifax time, arriving back in Swift at 5 Sask time. A long day of travel and a busy busy week, but so worth it!