1. When the wind is blowing just right, Brooks AB only smells a little, but when the wind is blowing wrong, it's enough to make a girl dry heave.
2. Sitting down with a friend from College for the first time in 4 years can feel exactly the same as it would have four years ago. And it wasn't even creepy that she knew just about everything about my life (I guess there are some people who read this!)
3. I still have no idea what that semi was doing with a full side ad for Rex Goudie heading towards Swift. Is there an underground Canadian Idol runner-up factory beneath the city that I am unaware of?
4. I am still very frightened of Bridges. More so after driving over the god forsaken Walterdale Bridge in Edmonton. My blood pressure rose exponentially. Terrifying.
5. It's best not to yell at that car with the out of town plates that darted in front of you like she didn't know where she was going. It was me. I didn't know where I was going. Sorry.
6. Sometimes cab drivers are some of the nicest people with really interesting stories to tell.
7. West Edmonton Mall is just a big mall. There. I said it.
8. First impressions of towns are everything. Vegreville gets my thumbs up thanks to the A&W that was still serving bacon & eggers after 11 (till 12 on sundays!!), and the giant Easter Egg that will forever make me giggle. It's on a stand that allows it to spin in the wind which is actually very eerie. Lloydminster, on the other hand, did not impress me. As soon as I crossed the border to SK, it looked like it had been 30 years since someone did any work to anything there. Plus the wind blew dirt onto my icecream cone as the girl passed it from the drive thru. (I ate it anyway).
9. A first, listening to the same songs is kind of fun, but after 8 hours, I don't really want to hear the following songs anymore: Cascada - Evacuate the Dance Floor, Nickelback - Never Gonna be Alone, Theory of a Deadman - well...any of them, Jay Sean - Down, Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling, Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me, Lady Gaga - Poker Face and Love Game . That being said, I could listen to Miley Cyrus Party in the USA on repeat for another 6 hours (sure, go ahead and judge me, but you know you want to dance when you hear it too...you just haven't admitted it to yourself). And I'm still enjoying Lady Gaga Paparazzi, and Owl City - Fireflies even if it is kind of weird. Though I imagine those will be somewhat short lived as well, especially if I keep listening to 001 on Sirius Satellite.
10. I sincerely hope that Karl Wolf has been careful with his money. A cover of Toto's Africa and one other single won't pay the bills forever buddy...and I don't think it takes a gypsy fortune teller to see that his career will not span decades (or even another year, for that matter).
11. A 4 door sedan with a spoiler is still a 4 door sedan. It just looks like you wish it wasn't.
There. That pretty much sums up my 16 hours of driving. Thankfully I've only got another 4 or so before I'm home on Tuesday night. In the meantime, here is my latest picture with one of the world's largests.