Brad and Ben worked their arses off Friday and yesterday to get our new upstairs windows installed. It was a very exciting day for us to see the huge difference it made to have new windows. It feels like a new house! I tried to take pictures along the way, but to be honest, they were so speedy, they'd have an old window out before I had a chance to take a picture of it, so I'll post some older photos of the rooms so you can see the difference.
Spare Bedroom: This was where they started on Friday:
(very) Old
On Saturday they started with the Master Bedroom:
On Saturday they started with the Master Bedroom:
(very) Old
The Kitchen:
The Kitchen:
Old (notice the truly hideous awning)
New(goodbye awning!!!)

Living Room:
Living Room:
Old (it's too bad you can't actually see the draft that came from this window)
Living room from outside:
When they started removing the old window in the spare room, Brad realized it would probably make a mess, so he covered my scrapbooks with a towel to protect them! What a good man!
Ollie wasn't quite sure what was going on, but, ever adaptable, found a patch of sunlight to lay down in.
When they started removing the old window in the spare room, Brad realized it would probably make a mess, so he covered my scrapbooks with a towel to protect them! What a good man!
Ollie wasn't quite sure what was going on, but, ever adaptable, found a patch of sunlight to lay down in.
Ollie. Completely confused by the hole.
Ollie. Completely confused by the hole.
We're still waiting on the front bay window; it wasn't quite done when they went to pick up the others on Friday. When it's done, Brad and Ben will install that one, along with the basement windows. Yay! I have to say, it's already making a huge difference. I don't feel a breeze coming off of any of the new windows! I'm not quite as afraid of winter this year.