Bucking the trend of preserving one's wedding dress in a box with a clear window, I placed mine on ebay, hoping a thrifty bride would be interested in buying a pink Sottero Midgley. Turns out, one was! It took several months of attempts to sell, but this morning I received an email from ebay telling me my item sold! The bride, a woman from Quebec, is apparently moving to Cuba next week to marry her one and only. Despite feeling disappointed each time my dress didn't sell, I found that rather than feeling happy that it did, I actually felt a little sad to see that it had sold. What can I say, I'm a bit sentimental. The feeling was fleeting though; I'd rather someone else get some joy out of it. Also, I don't want to just stash it in the closet for years and years and carry it around with me for the rest of my life. It's not the sort of thing that can be shortened to wear at another occasion either. I've got a little bit of money out of it and hopefully it will bring as much good luck to a new bride as it did for me.