After weeks of planning, hours of prep time, and days of building excitement, Saturday arrived and we were finally ready for our night of murder! The kit we bought from came with everything we needed, but there was still the printing, cutting, labelling, organizing and preparing of the information to make sure the party went off smoothly. Karlene spent Saturday making her house look fantastic by creating giant decorative dice, a Vegas skyline, and a poker table in her kitchen. I made 72 maimed sugar-cookie men, a double batch of cheesecake brownies and hot spinach and artichoke dip. 

The party involved a murder mid-party (we made sure there was one extra character so that whoever was murdered wouldn't have to sit out for the night as everyone else enjoyed the game). The murder went fine (a sentence I never thought I would say) and only one person guessed the right murderer! It wasn't me, but I had a few people fairly convinced that it was me. Mwahahaha!

Back row: Landon - Aces High the High Roller/Agent Avery the FBI Agent; Ben - Elvis the Elvis Impersonator; Lindsay - Lucy Legs the Showgirl; Karlene - Hustlin Hailey the high roller; Lisa - Security Sam the security guard; Brad - Jack Black the blackjack dealerMiddle: Kyla - Mimi Martini the cocktail waitress
Front row: me - Cole Conway the sports book manager; Chelsea - Precious Trump the floor manager; Jackie - Iguana Trump the wife of the casino owner; Darrin - Ronald Trump the casino owner; Cody - Jim Beam the bartender; Rick - Paul Piano the lounge singer.