And, believe me, I've been doing a LOT...I live a VERY exciting life. Ok, so maybe "exciting" isn't really the right word for it, but I do get up to some fun.
Over the May long weekend (a month ago?? How did
that happen??) two of my friend sna di hopped in the Golf and drove to Edmonton for the weekend. We shopped, played at the water park, stayed up all night drinking wine and spiced rum (not together...respectively) and all around misbehaved in a very wholesome sort of way, I'm sure. Here are just some of the photos of that weekend...though, in all honesty, my camera did not come out very often.

Lindsay likes to keep up on the great literature of our day
OBVIOUSLY we went to IHOP!
After supper on our last night we found a bar that was giving away captain's we went in and feeling about 10 years too old to be there we snagged our hats and left very quickly.
I was driving, so this is, honestly, just club soda. but everyone else got to drink out of pails, so I wanted to too!

Continuing with my quest to take pictures with the the World's Largests, we had to pull over and snap a shot with these giant shoes and stripey stockinged legs. Not sure if you can see it, but the shoes even have a detail on them to look like elastic. Comfort first, my friends!
When we heard that the World's Largest Lamp is in Donalda AB, we mapped it out and realized it would only add on about 45 minutes to the drive home, so off we went in search of the great Lamp! Obviously, this is a good occassion to say "I Love Lamp"!
Major kudos to Lindsay for lining up this shot perfectly!
I don't know how many times I've driven past here and never stopped, so this time we made the time to stop inMacklin, home of the World's Largest Bunnock.'s as exciting as you think.