This year the writers strike put the whole thing in jeopardy. I tried to not to think about that while it was going on because, let me tell you, if it had been cancelled, or just gone over like the Golden Globes, they would have had one angry Jessica standing on their doorsteps followed by a hostage situation in a boardroom until the issue was resolved. Extreme? Perhaps, but what can I say? I love the Academy Awards, I haven't missed one in 13 years and I'm not about to now.
Some of my favorite Oscar nights have been because of my own personal situation. Oscars 2006 was wonderful because Mare and I had just moved in together. We had driven back from Smithers that Sunday just in time for the pre-show with cheesecake and brie in hand. Jer wanted to come over and watch them too, so we graciously allowed him, but first set out the Oscar Night Rules. 1. NO talking during the show, 2. NO mocking of ANYTHING unless Jess and Mare first start the jeers, 3. NO talking during the show, and 4. Talking may be permitted during commercials but must cease immediately once said commercials have ended, and 5. NO talking during the show. It was a lovely night!
Last year's Oscars were also a wonderful experience. Brad and I had just moved into our apartment in Swift and weren't able to get the satellite set up in time for the show. I called around to see if anyone would be watching them and no one had planned to, so we got to work jimmying an antenna. It turns out that running coaxial cable from the TV and electrical taping it to a metal curtain rod will actually get you decent reception, as long as you don't accidentally sneeze in the wrong direction. It was a great night too sitting on the floor (my stuff hadn't arrived from United yet).
So, needless to say, I'll be at home, on my couch watching the Oscars tonight with Brad and Alexis. Don't call me, I won't answer, and I might throw something at the person who does pick up the phone...unless it's during a commercial break.