Groundhog day: Neither Wiarton Willie nor Shubenacadie Sam saw their shaddows which means we'll have and early spring. To which I say: Thank God!
Not that I'm not enjoying winter, but, well, to be honest, I'm not really enjoying winter. I'm not one of those people who hates winter, but it's just not a highlight for me. Every year I tend to find myself in a funk in February or March. Maybe a little SAD (seasonal affective disorder)? Hard to say, but I tend to start feeling a little melancholy around this time of the year. It's nothing major, just one of those things. I should probably take some vitamin D, but I'm too lazy to try and battle the crowds at Wal-Mart for simple bottle of vitamins (the lack of ambition likely sources back to the funk I'm in...vicious cycle really).
But, that being said, I do have things that I'm looking foward to.
Example: February 18th is Family Day...a Saskatchewan Stat holiday. I think this is a fantastic idea. The stretch from January to Easter is so long otherwise. Throwing the stat in there breaks it up nicely. I think the plan is to head to the lake for a day of snow.
Example: Mare is coming in 20 sleeps! Woot! Definitely looking forward to spending lots of time talking, watching movies, touring the area and just relaxing together.
Example: March is coming which means the end of winter could follow shortly after that (I'm hoping by June?). With March is also another long weekend with Easter, and the end of Daylight Savings Time which means I'll once again only be an hour ahead of my family.
So, in spite of the doldrums things are good, and there's lots ot look forward to. Let's just get through the day, ok?
18 sleeps!!! I cannot wait to see you, the house, Swift and be able to picture everything when we talk about it.
Hey, don't forget about Climax Cliff! He's an important part of the groundhog team!
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