Here is my list of blogging no-no's:
Sunday, December 12, 2010
My Vapid Blog
Here is my list of blogging no-no's:
Sunday, December 05, 2010
A Christmas-y Weekend

The next tasks inlude wrapping prezzies, buying stocking stuffers, and doing a lot of Christmas baking (though I think I'll be doing that at my parents' house when we get there!) The past few years I've been late in getting the Christmas spirit, but this year, well, I'm diving right on in!
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Halifax 2.0
On the boardwalk in Halifax
~ This is not a "world's largest" but it is a pretty freakin big anchor!
~ A big wave in Halifax at the waterfront
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
One More Window
Sunday, October 24, 2010
New Windows!
On Saturday they started with the Master Bedroom:
The Kitchen:

Living Room:
When they started removing the old window in the spare room, Brad realized it would probably make a mess, so he covered my scrapbooks with a towel to protect them! What a good man!
Ollie wasn't quite sure what was going on, but, ever adaptable, found a patch of sunlight to lay down in.
Ollie. Completely confused by the hole.
We're still waiting on the front bay window; it wasn't quite done when they went to pick up the others on Friday. When it's done, Brad and Ben will install that one, along with the basement windows. Yay! I have to say, it's already making a huge difference. I don't feel a breeze coming off of any of the new windows! I'm not quite as afraid of winter this year.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Practically Famous!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
ebooks: not written, but CREATED?
When I got home this evening I was very interested in seeing if I could track down a copy of this memoir and went to the kobo site to find it isnt available there. I skipped over to chapters to see if it has even been released in north America yet, and it doesn't appear to have been. As a last ditch effort, I tried the BC public library catalogue of ebooks. I selected the search function and entered "Stephen Fry", then clicked the drop down menu to choose author... But it wasn't an option. I could choose ISBN (the numbering system for all books), Title, or Creator. Maybe it's just that I'm over-tired right now, but using the term "creator" seems, well, a bit grandiose, doesn't it? And really, if it's a memoir, aren't we now treading into existentialist territory? Fry has written about his he the creator of his own life, or did someone/something else do the creating for him? If so, doesn't that make all authors who are dubbed "creators" by the BC library system just plagiarizers? Yeah, that's right, I went there. Chew on that for a while...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Anniversary Photos

Sunday, September 05, 2010
4) only plant or two tomato plants because they seem to like the location of our garden and grow to a daunting and unmanageable size.
And 5) you better like cucumbers because you're going to get an assload of them.
I'd say we learned our lessons and this year had pretty good results.