Sunday, December 31, 2006
Time for some changes

Saturday, December 30, 2006
Retail Therapy
Jessica Hearts Wine! And Mare!

(If you're wondering why I'm wearing my wool coat, it's because the furnace at work was broken and it was cold)
Friday, December 29, 2006
I need a break...again

Thursday, December 28, 2006
I have a bone to pick

Thank you for your time, and happy new year
(You're all lucky the song isn't "I want a hippopotamus for New Years"
Monday, December 25, 2006
Me and My Mo

Me and My Mo on Christmas Day.
I sometimes find it very odd to think that we've known each other for 12 years!
A Prezzie-free Christmas...right
Frank brought gifties from Hawaii and I totally made out like a bandit. It was much more relaxed, and really nice to have the whole family just hanging out together and eating a lovely breakfast of pancakes (and butter tarts! hee hee!)
See, I told you a made out like a bandit! Yay for Christmas with my family!
(Did I mention how much I miss Brad? sigh)
Trimming the Tree

Sunday, December 24, 2006
the Good the Bad and the Meh.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
7 hours on a train...

T-Minus 7.5 hours...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
It's really Christmas time!

Monday, December 18, 2006
It Figures, doesn't it?

Sunday, December 17, 2006

What to write about?

Saturday, December 16, 2006
AHHHHH!!! More Snow???!!!!!

Friday, December 15, 2006
Great Night

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I Heart Files!

Monday, December 11, 2006
When shit hits the fan...I'm your go-to girl

Sunday, December 10, 2006
my day

Let's break it down a little more. The Holiday: I laughed, I cried (at all the happy parts...I'm such a sucker), and I left feeling a huge ache in my chest from missing Brad, which means it was a success. Kate Winslet was great, Cameron Diaz (who I'm not a big fan of) was good, Jude Law gets a thumbs up from me and Jack Black was...well...very believable as a goofy-yet-genuine-sweet-guy.
The Holiday Festival on Ice: Very very cool. I like figure skating, but I definitely would not say I'm a huge fan or anything of the sort, but this was extremely entertaining and very impressive. I think there were around 4 standing ovations...Maybe more? Jamie Sale and David Pelletier were definitely the crowd favorites, which is totally understandable because they were amazing. Apparently when they film these sorts of things to run on tv, it's pre-taped and the skaters come back out afterwards and re-do anything they messed up on. Well, Oksana Baiul made a little error in one of her routines (though I don't think anyone noticed, I certainly don't remember it), so she came out to try the particular part again and tripped. Then, rather than get up and try again (as a couple of others had done) she got up, and made a huge diva-exit tossing the curtain to the side and looking more than a little pissed off. The entire crowd was silent for a moment and then started to murmur and laugh in a totally disbelieving way. I laughed. A lot. As did Heather. What a diva! Anyway, that will air on CBC at 9pm on December 21st. It should be a good show...and I'll probably be watching just to see how they pieced it all together.
The Rum Jungle...well...kind of sucked. Meh...I'm not going to say it was a waste of time or anything like that, and it wasn't a waste of money because ladies don't pay cover. It was alright...nothing great, nothing bad. Except this one girl who had a somewhat voluptuous chest and was wearing nothing but a white tanktop. I'm assuming it had a shelf bra inside, but that shelf was screaming for mercy, because I tell ya, the girls needed a little bit more of a boost than a simple piece of elastic could ever provide. Did I mention it was white? or that her nipple was getting dangerously close to the top lacy hem? Or that it looked like she may "accidentally" dump beer down her damn-near-see-through-top? Heather and I were waiting with bated breath for the moment that never came.
And now it's off to bed...I'm sleepy.
Friday, December 08, 2006
I Heart Free Samples

EARLY mornings...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Another update...

Bill came and got me jsut after 7, and I called Tony (5th and Tabor) who said I would have to get it towed. I called a tow company who told me it would be between 4-5 hours. Yep, hours. The roads in PG are absolute mayhem and all of the tow companies are backed up hours and hours because people are in the ditch and stuck, etc. So, when I finished work, Heather drove me home around 3 and I still hadn't been towed (not that I begrudge that, because, seriously, I feel bad for the tow-truck drivers and dispatchers this week, they must have HUNDREDS of angry customers waiting for help). Heather asked if I was going to try starting my car one more time, just in case, and I said why not. Low and behold, it STARTED! Woohoo! But the engine light was on, so I called 5th and Tabor and Ian said I could probably try and bring it in. Heather followed me to the mechanic and we dropped of my poor little car in their capable hands.
(Side plot: We then went to do some errands. We went to Rogers Video because she was having some trouble with her cell phone, and while we were there we started looking at movies. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 is on video now and I said I hoped to get it for Christmas (or with Christmas money, or after Christmas or something of the sort). I said it jokingly because my family is having a prezzie-free Christmas, but she snatched up a copy and ran to the till saying "I will!" I protested, but she's persistent (and so sweet), saying it was an early Christmas present.)
Back at 5th and Tabor an hour later and Ian told me there was water in my fuel filter and in my gas tank, so he replaced the filter, put some fuel line anti-freeze into my gas tank. Tony said it may be from using a bad kind of gas...which, I admit, I filled up from a different location last time (and will never go back there again!). He said it could have been triggered because the weather was getting warmer and the water wasn't mixing with the gas anymore...or, I think that's what he said...it made sense at the time, but I've forgotten already. Anyway, I didn't have to have it towed, it was a cheap fix, I have a car again, I know what NOT to do and where NOT to fill up, Heather and I chatted for hours and hours tonight, and we have a wonderful movie to watch this week!
So again, thank you to everyone who was worried for me...I appreciate it! All is well again...for a while...fingers crossed! Knock on wood for me!
Stupid F-ing winter!

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Vista Christmas Party

Me, Gary and Heather...not sure what G-Lo's looking at...
----------------------------------------------Ok, so maybe not that classy
----------------------------------------------Bill and Jessica...looking...where?
Crowns are the new Black
---------------------------------------------All hail King Bill
Jessica and Jessica
The Boys
a little Christmas in my apartment

Friday, December 01, 2006
No More Sicky