
Sunday, December 17, 2006


Ok, so I'm stalking people on myspace again. I can't help it; it's an addiction. In my travels through the masses of creeps, weirdos and perverts, I came across some who are not. One in particular, was a friend of mine from highschool who I haven't seen or heard from in at least a couple of years. I found out she's going to school in (of all places) Saskatchewan. Upon reading that I became very jealous and (get this) homesick. Not sad or lonely for Brad, no, I became homesick for Saskatchewan, and jealous that she's now living there. I want nothing more than to be back in the prairies...even if Brad weren't there I would be trying to get back. I miss the prairies. Weird, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you sustained a serious head injury recently? Take it from someone who currently lives on the prairies.... B.C. is best!