
Sunday, December 17, 2006

What to write about?

I've been debating what to write about all day. First I thought I would write about how I woke up this morning from a night of weird dreams and the first thing I did was reach over, grab my cell and call Brad to tell him how much I missed him.
Then I thought I would write about how I went to the mall and WalMart and Canadian Tire today and spent more than half of my day either driving or idling in parking lots while everyone tried to either find somewhere to park (ps. there were no spots), or leave the parking lot. I literally drove around for 10 minutes trying to find somewhere to park in the mall, and then it took me between 15 and 20 minutes to leave. Or about how people seem to completely loose their sense of decency during Christmas shopping. I've said it before, but it applies more than ever after today. An example: I was in a store isle in the mall and a lady with a shopping cart plowed down the isle staring straight ahead and (in a rather pissy tone) "Excuse me!" without even looking at me. I guess you might say it's better than when they don't bother to say anything, but I think I would almost rather not be acknowledged than have someone say something without looking at me or meaning it. Then again, beggars can't be choosers I guess.
And then I thought about mentioning how I did diddly this evening until my Mum called, and then chatted with her for a while, after which time I did another load of diddly. I decided to take a bath...a nice, long, candle-lit, relaxing music bath. I cleaned (read: scoured) the tub and drew my bath, only to find my hot-water tank had run out of hot water, most likely due to the cleaning (obsessively scouring) of the tub. I had a brilliant idea though, to boil the kettle a couple of times and pour the boiling water in the tub. Turns out that hardly makes a difference, and the ammount of boiling water added each time has pretty much cooled off to the temperature of the rest of the water by the time the kettle has boiled again. So I had a warm-ish bath with relaxin music and a few candles (even though the bathroom light was still on because in order to have my speakers on I had to have the light on, and I am sadly sans extension cord).

But then, when all was said and done, I decided none of those things was really worth writing about.

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