
Monday, July 09, 2007


It's one of those days aparently. Last night I was late to bed...very late to bed as it were, and so this morning when my alarm went off at 3:21, followed by 3:30, followed by 3:39, I was terribly reluctant to crawl from the warm covers. Not to mention the nausea I was feeling. (Not due to any misbehaving on my part...I'm not actually sure what it was that caused it, possibly lack of sleep?) I spent my whole shower trying to breath deeply and not be sick.
Out of the shower and doing my hair (10 minutes behind schedule) and things went fairly smoothly on that front. It seemed I might actually make it out the door on time, or 5 minutes behind schedule. Not bad for a Monday morning.
It was raining fairly well when I left the apartment this morning and got to my car, when, lo and behold, my car flat out refuses to start. It just wouldn't fire. No idea why, but believe me, I was choked.
I woke up Brad, who couldn't figure out what was causing it either, and he lent me his car to go to work this morning, but it's also not in top condition at the moment.
Got to work today (20 minutes late) and had to rush around getting things done for the 6 oclock casts. At about 5:40, after my casts were recorded and Jon was about to do his, I looked in the newsbooth and noticed the monitor was black and all the lights were blinking. NOT good. So Jonny and I went in and fiddled around and eventually swapped the monitor with the one for our email computer. While pulling the switcheroo though, I managed to knock a mug off the desk, straight onto the floor with a smash.
The ONLY saving grace, and I do mean ONLY, is that on Saturday night we had people over to watch the UFC fights and I made a cheesecake for dessert, so I brought some delicious cheesecake for breakfast. On a day like today, it was definately necessary. And, for the record, anyone who tells me today that cheesecake is not a breakfast food is decidedly not to be trusted.


Darwin Gooding said...

Anyone who brings cheesecake to work for breakfast and eats it all before their boss arrives at work should equally not be trusted. Bunk and Balderdash I say!

Malchia7 said...

Long time no chat; Mondays really can suck, but it's one less day till Friday!

Send brad a hello from far off vancouver
