
Thursday, October 02, 2008

What can I say? I lead a thrilling, thrilling life

I haven't posted in a while simply because my life has become mind-numbingly boring. Or, it would appear that way to other people. I'm enjoying the routine and (dare I say) monotony. Shortly after Brad and I brough Oliver home, he went to WalMart and brought home a shiny new Wii. After several weeks without an internet connection, and the subsequent embarassment of finally having it hooked up, we now have the ability to access all those wonderfully addicting games from systems gone-by. I'm such a sucker for those old 8, 16, and even 32 (!) bit games! Much to Oliver's distaste, I've been plugging away at Shining Force. (He seems to have as short an attention span for video games as I do for pretending I want his shredded rope-toy, but oblige him, don't I?).
So, between that and anxiously counting down the days to our Smithers life is pretty chill.


Anonymous said...

Nerd! Just kidding...I'm from the Atari age but never had one. Now I rely on my (much younger) brother to feed my addiction. Did I tell you your dog sits much like my black bastard? Ha ha!

It's Me! said...

Ataris are absolutely where it's at! We used to have one...but back in 94 we had a big moving sale and sold the damn thing. I was too infatuated with our brand new shiny Sega Genesis to really care. Still kicking myself for that one.