
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Would You Like Some Fear With Your Weather?

I was flipping through the channels yesterday after watching Tyra and caught a weather teaser for the news for some station in the states. I'm well aware that American media tends to lean towards Fear Mongoring, but I wasn't aware of the extent. The weartherman was forecasting the temperatures for the next few days. Being American, the temps were in Fahrenheit, but the showed 100, 97, and 97 for the next three days. The forecaster then went on to say "don't be fooled by these numbers, as with the heat index it COULD feel much more like 105 every day this week." Then followed up with a solemn "Protect yourself." I'll admit, those are really stinkin hot temperatures, but he was talking like the heat would fling a big flaming glob of napalm at you if you even THOUGHT about leaving your house. Definately caution people to stay hydrated and stay cool when the temperatures get into the high 30s, but, had the forecast applied to me, his editorial would have probably prompted to me to look out my window searching for bombs from the middle east. Not that either situation has anything to do with the other, but his tone made it seem like a reasonable conclusion to draw.
Like I said, I always knew the States was about fear mongoring media, but the weather? Seriously! Next thing you know there will be headlines like "Could cute cuddly kittens kill you? Find out next?!"

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