
Monday, December 08, 2008

The one thing I really really hate...

I'm going to complain for a moment.
I love Christmas. I really do. I love the lights, the snow, the smiles, buying fun prezzies for everyone... But there is one thing I really really hate about Christmas. I hate how so many holiday treats include nuts. And not because I can't have any and get left out.
Once a year the staffroom and much of the office becomes a danger-zone for me. I think nut trays are the worst. People will go and take a handful of them and then wander around the office and touch things without washing their hands leaving behind dust and oil. I basically have to wash my hands every time I leave the newsroom.
Sure enough, last Friday the staffroom was adorned with a nut tray. Sure enough I went and made coffee this morning, and sure enough my eyes started to itch and sure enough I was having an allergic reaction. I washed my hands carefully and took half of a benedryl to stop the reaction and allow myself to see. The downside is that one side effect of benedryl is that it knocks me on my ass (hence taking just half a pill). I'm sitting here struggling to keep my eyes open and feeling a little bit drunk.
There is a constant conflict in my head between being irritated and frustrated with people who still bring nut/peanut goodies to work even with allergies becoming more and more prominent, and the reasonable side of me that tries to be understanding and asks why I feel like everyone in the world should cater to those like me. Right now, I feel too wiped out and fuzzy feeling in the head to be able to come to a conclusion.
And THAT'S the one thing I really really hate about Christmas.

*(I should add that I did send out an email on Friday requesting that people wash their hands after partaking in the holiday goodies since there are a number of new people who might be unaware, but I guess it went out too late to be preventative...most often people are good about warning me to stay out of the staff room)

1 comment:

*M* said...

I think it is so disrespectful for your co-workers to put you in serious danger. There are SO many alternatives to treats with nuts that could be enjoyed by ALL. You shouldn't have to work in such conditions, especially when your allergy can be fatal. I suggest you immediately quit and come live with me where I promise a nut free zone!