
Friday, January 11, 2008

Genius? Clearly!

I have decided I want to become a member of Mensa. That's right. I want to be a genius. According to facebook, I'm only three points shy of being a genius! (and obviously facebook's iq test is totally accurate and reliable). That puts me in the 2.14% of the population! I always knew I was smarter than the average bear! (and oh so modest!)
Mostly, I just want to join so that I will be able to have a Mensa Canada t-shirt, which I will wear every day. I will also begin every sentence with "As a member of Mensa..." I just want a membership card, really.
To double check my score, I decided to take another test. This one was longer and more complicated and took some time to complete. When I had finally finished and was feeling fairly confident about my answers, I clicked finish. Then the page came up that told me that if I wanted to get my score and a breakdown of the stats, I would have to pay for it. The irony? If I were a member of Mensa I'd get it for free! Soooo not fair! How am I supposed to become a member if I can't get my test results?!


Unknown said...

Hmmm, can't we just form our own sort of Mensa? We'll make it legit, with t-shirts and everything.

Sean said...

which test did you take other than the one on facebook?