
Monday, April 09, 2007

The Game has been Upped!

Happily, I have had good response to my hair at work today, however, that being said, I also had some interesting reactions. The 'do is now being refered to as "Jess's Break-up hair" after Ryan asked me what possessed me to cut it and asked if I had broken up with my boyfriend over the weekend, stating my haircut was drastic enough to be "breakup hair." It was funny that he mentioned it since, as I was washing my hair yesterday morning, it occured to me the last time I chopped off my hair like that was when Chris and I had broken up. Unless you count the head-shaving that followed the end of my relationship with Shawn...but that's different, it wasn't a "I need to feel hot again" change. Then came the comments of "ooh, she's uppin her game!" So, there we go; no breakup, but consider the game "upped"!


Anonymous said...

Hey!! Welcome back to saskatchewan, Jess!!!

*M* said...

what game? im confused! i just think u look hot. hot hot hot!