
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

'a rose by any other word..."

Ah yes, the age old question: what's in a name? A question that has been on my mind these past few weeks.
Since moving to Swift Current, I have been asked twice if "Jessica Williams" is my real name. I always nod and say "yes...why? does it sound made up?" Really, does it? I was once told that my name is an excellent radio name, and I just shrugged and thanked the person. I don't see it, but then maybe I'm too close to my name to really see it as what it is (or could be?).
These comments did, however, get me thinking: what if I had been named something else? My mum has told me she had considered naming me Zipporah, or Demelza, or Tegan. Furthermore, why my great great grandparents came to Canada from the Ukraine, they changed their name to Williams to sound "less ethnic". Originally the name was Waselenchuk. If the name change had never happened, and Mum was feeling more daring, I could have been Demelza Waselenchuk, or Zipporah Waselenchuk. I can't imagine going into radio with either of those as my name. Would I have even been the same person? Maybe I would have gone into radio and changed my name to something else...maybe I would have changed it to Jessica Williams.
Anyway, that's my ponderism for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's kinda funny , I've been in Abby for 3 weeks and i've been asked if Pope is my real last nale a couple times too , like I would choose Pope if I was making up a name, it would Awesome or Cool or maybe Fantastic but not Pope