
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Monday Mornings

Every Monday morning, as I stumble into work thinking "oh god, it's monday....ugh..." I am made happy when Mel from the SPCA comes in with a critter or critters that are up for adoption that week. She does a segment with Brad and Heather featuring the little animal.
Yesterday Mel came in and I ran out from recording the network casts to see what she had brought. They were two little male guinea pigs! When I asked what their names were she said they didn't have names and asked what I thought. All I could think of was Chip and Dale. She laughed and that was that. So this is me and Heather holding Chip and Dale. Heather's was grunting and snuffling, and mine was pleasantly gnawing on my finger!
(I cleverly stole this picture from Heather's files on the computer....I'm so sneaky!)

1 comment:

Heather K. said...

Chip loved it when I scratched his bum! Too bad you're allergic...oh well Nibbler and Petey will have more of your attention!