
Sunday, June 04, 2006

ahh, the weekend

I got drunk. Super, super drunk. Friday night was fun. Went to the Generator and saw Rocketface. I had a really good night though...and no regrets, even though I became very acquainted with the work toilet on Saturday morning. (reminder to self: hang-overs at work at a bad idea...don't know how the jocks do it so often).
I had a good conversation about tattoos with the basist from the band. He read the Jack Johnson lyrics I have on my shoulder, and gave me the usual "that's deep". Then I explained it's not my work, and proceeded to tell him how awkward I find it when people ask me what my tattoos mean. He agreed that no matter how you explain something, or how meaningful a tattoo is to a person, when someone else tries to understand it, it just seems cheesy.
It was a good time. That was around beer #2. If it had happened around beer #3-5 I would have been incoherent. As it was, dancing was plenty for me. But, like I said, good night, free music=good times. And the band was awesome. There is little that bugs me more than seeing someone live who you think will be good because you like their CD, only to find out they actually suck when on stage.
In closing, you know it was a good night when people see you the next day who weren't even there and say "you had a good one, huh?" Or when they just laugh at how rough you look. (note: by 'you' I mean 'I' or 'me')

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