
Friday, June 02, 2006

car and plans

I finally got my car today. $1900. Yes, that's right, just shy of a full month's salary without the income tax taken off. Whoo. That stung the pocketbook...but oh well. I guess it was necessary (though it kills me just a teeny bit inside to say "oh well") But I now have a car...and a strict budget which I'm so far adhering to. Though it is only the second of June. Oy. Oh I said, what's done is done and had to be so. I'm going to see Brad in 5 more sleeps and I told him already it's going to have to be a thrifty visit because, well, I can't afford anything more. He countered with "what makes you think you'll be paying for anything?" Which is nice to hear, and it was wonderful of him to offer to help out. I do love him.
I'm going to the genny tonight to see Rocketface, who made lewd comments about be when they came into the station today to go on-air with Doc...I wasn't in the room at the time, but Doc skipped into the newsroom afterwards to tell me in a sing-song teasing voice...guess my long-dreamed of career as a groupie is not such a pipedream afterall! hahaha...ewwwww. Still, it will be nice to get out and do something tonight...and it's free...and who am I to turn down a free show? Hopefully it'll be fun. Did I mention it's free?

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