
Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The renovations. Oh the ceaseless renovations. Things are moving along, however slowly, in the renovation department at Casa De Brad and Jess. We've now got the first coat of paint on the kitchen. It's white (a compromise...Brad wanted every room in the house to be white and I said No! So we agreed on the kitchen), but we're going to paint the cupboards some sort of color.
I'm not going to lie...I'm really really looking forward to having the kitchen done. In a big way. I really need to have a stove again. I used to really love fast food and eating out occasionally and always wished we could eat out more so much. It's a shame because there are so many fantastic restaurants in Swift, but I've had enough. I'm done with fast food. I would love to just be able to cook something in a finished kitchen.
So, I guess the only things we have yet to do in the kitchen are to put another coat of paint, and then rip up the floor and get some lino put down. Then it's a matter of re-wiring for the stove, and buying a new fridge. It's not that much, but everything takes time. I'm hoping by the end of next week we'll maybe be able to cook in the kitchen again. Hopefully.

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