I went to Wolf Fest 3 tonight...David Lee Murphy with the Poverty Plainsmen opening the night. It was...well, it was alright. I feel so disatisfied with my social life right now. I really enjoyed talking to Jessica, Kelly, and Christina...but it gets a little frustrating for me to try to talk to people at concerts because I tend to have a hard time hearing when there are lots of people around anyway, and when it's really really loud, it makes it even harder. I really wanted to talk to them...but...oh well. And I was so greatful for them being there.
I'm finding it increasingly difficult to go to social things because I always feel like I'm the odd one out. Most of the commonplace-staff-stuff that goes on is mostly just guys. I like it when GLo comes out because I can talk to him: he's married. The other guys are either too touchy feely, or they just don't give me the time of day, which I can only imagine is because I'm taken. So, unless GLo is there, or Pope, I only have Heather to talk to. She's great to talk to, but she spends a lot of time with Docc, which is totally understandable, what with their being, well, whatever they are...but it doesn't leave much for me to do other than sit around. Which is, ultimately, why I don't go out very often, and why, when I do go out, I generally come home early and feeling a little melancholy.
I feel like that tonight, though it's not because there weren't many people there. Like I said, I really liked talking to Christina and Kelly and Jessica, but well, it was so loud it was a lot of work to have a conversation. I wanted to dance, but there was no one to dance with...and, well...yeah. I don't know. I guess I'm just lonely. I miss Brad. And I miss having Mare at these things.