
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Holy Snowstorm Batman!

Well if this isn't one of the strangest winters I've seen in a long time, you can call me the Pied Piper...I guess it hasn't been too strange here exactly, but a few weeks ago there was the snowstorm in Smithers with widespread panic that PG would follow suit. Then a little snow, which melted for the most part, then the crazy wind last week, and crazier wind over the weekend, and now a steep drop in temperatures expected and a full on snowstorm this afternoon. I had to sweep about 2.5 inches of snow off of my car when I left work at 6, and it had only started snowing around 3:30 or so...the snow was falling so heavily I couldn't see more than a block ahead of my car. It was very odd. All I can say....I hope some asshole is enjoying my two back tires...and my enjoying them I mean I hope they spontaneously combust and leave the person careening into a ditch where they will not be injured, but will be totally fucked over for transportation.

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