Health Canada has now begun to allow silicone breast implants once again. Great. What ever happened to the "beauty comes from the inside" addage? Why does beauty centre around the size and shape of your breasts? I've talked to countless men about the implants vs natural contest, and there are some (albeit not many) who say implants are disgusting. There are others who says they prefer unnaturally large chests. And then there are the ones who won't say either way, which means they like them but don't want to come right out and admit they think women should look like pornstars. It's disturbing to me. I don't understand how plastic surgery can be regarded so nonchalantly. I understand the desire in cirumstances where there is a birth defect, or perhaps some sort of disfigurement from an accident or something of the like, but, why do otherwise normal women feel the need to have their physical appearance changed? And why is it decidedly acceptable? I don't know about you, but I would feel very creeped out if I knew there was a lump of hard plastic under my skin just because society told me my tits weren't good enough.
1 comment:
Couldn't agree with you more Jess. I have a HUGE problem with "Plastic Surgery". I think it's unnatural and pathetic. Not trying to pull the whole "There are kids starving in Africa..." card but honestly....some women pay upwards of $10,000 for a bigger rack because somehow they've been stupid enough to convince themselves that somehow a new set of boobs will enrich their petty lives.....okay that was mean but still.
How do you feel about "Cosmetic Surgery"? I knew a girl who had her ears pinned and I have no problem with that, and another friend had a nose job, but that's because she broke it in an accident.
Enjoyed your post. You always get my little brain thinking oh Mother of All Knowledge.
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