
Sunday, October 22, 2006

When You Were Young

I've spent a good portion of the morning staring intently at my scrapbooks. Specifically the one spanning 2001-2002. I don't feel old by any means, but looking back...oh my god was I ever young. I mean, I was just a baby! No wonder my mum worried about me so much. I would have too!
These pictures were taken of me and Maureen when we went to Vancouver for the Matchbox 20 concert in April of 2001. Over five years ago...I was 18 at the time.
What a time...I was living in my first apartment with Vicky and (to the chagrin of my parents) dating Chris. I thought I was all grown up and so worldly, but then that seems to be the general belief of 18 year olds the world over. Only a year later Maureen and I went to the UK for three weeks.
What a strange twilight zone feeling to look back and think about how long ago that was...and how much has changed and how much I've grown I know I'm more grown up because I actually admit how little I know instead of feeling like I've got it all figured out.

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